
As a complete novelty on the market 4activeSystems, AMFD, GeneSys and Stähle have founded the DTA Group to offer turnkey solutions for manual and automated vehicle testing, including services.

Targets, Test Systems & Robotics Platforms

4activeSystems GmbH

Industriepark 1 A

8772 Traboch Austria

Tel.: +43 3842 45 106 - 600


4activeSystems GmbH is one of the world's leading companies in testing technologies for active vehicle safety with the focus on advanced and realistic test targets and self-driving robotic platforms for Evaluation and development of AEB/AES-systems and autonomous driving vehicles. Our high-wuality products "Made in Austria" combined with excellent support make us a reliable Partner for Vehicle manufacturers, NCAP labs and automotive suppliers worldwide. Our mission is to provide innovative testing solutions to help reducing serious road accidents and the number of road fatalities.

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Consulting, Services & Research

AMFD Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH Freiberger Str. 37

01067 Dresden Germany Tel.: +49 351 463 43101


The AMFD – Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH is a company of the TU Dresden corporation (TUDAG) and a transfer company of the LKT, Chair for Automotive Engineering of the Dresden University of Technology. The AMFD was founded in 2011 for practical implementation in industrially applicable Methods, development tools and product solutions.

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Positioning & Motion Sensing

GeneSysElektronik GmbH In der Spöck 10

77656 Offenburg Germany Tel.: +49 781 969279-0


GeneSys Elektronik is an engineering company with focus on developing and producing sensor systems for a variety of applications – ranging from automotive dynamics analysis to guidance of tunnelling machines and image processing for process automation. The GPS-aided inertial system ADMA provides highly precise data on acceleration, speed and position as well as the pitch, roll and heading angle of a moving vehicle. It is best suited for ADAS testing.

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Driving Robots & Driverless controls

Stähle GmbH Maybachstraße 12

71299 Wimsheim Germany

Tel.: +49 7044 915610


STÄHLE GmbH is a world-wide operating company for automotive test systems as robot drivers, steering systems, actuator systems, shift robots. Robot driver systems for emission testing, mileage accumulation, acoustic, climatic, EMC, R&D, etc. are in operation at most automotive companies world-wide. The Autopilot series shows the latest technology of robot driver systems: Easy to use, simple to install, with Human driving style, highest accuracy, selectable drive styles and robotic repeatability!

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